Does your ex seem to suddenly be interested in you again? Is your ex flirting with you a little bit, interested in spending more time with you than before? It's very normal to feel happy and hopeful, but be wary and avoid jumping right back into the deep end. But it's okay to be asking yourself, "how to get back with ex?"

These could be tell tale signs that your ex is thinking about getting back together with you. But even if you are also interested in getting her back, don't just jump in headfirst! The correct way to play this out is to play hard to get (a little bit). If you jump back into the relationship, you may find your ex breaking up with you again. If your ex is sending signals that your ex wants you back, it was probably you playing hard to get in the first place that renewed her interest in you!

Most times when there is a break up of a relationship, it is natural to miss one another. This is especially true after a long term relationship of one year or more. So your ex is certainly going to be missing you somewhat just because of the many memories you shared together during your relationship. But, remember, past regrets also enter into the equation. So, if you are thinking to yourself, "how to get back with ex," both of you are probably thinking along the same lines and for the same reasons.

However, sometimes an ex is merely playing a game when showing interest after a split. They may realize that you still love them and may be only trying to get your attention without any desire to get back together. Unless your ex is genuinely (genuinely being the key word)saving a relationship, they may be playing games because they have no one else at the moment. Or in a worst case scenario, this attention might all be a plan for revenge, which is why it is so important not to jump in head first, and why you should determine what the scenario really is.

Many of us find ourselves wondering "how to get back with ex." Before diving into the water, we have to closely examine the situation before we act. The best advice on how to get back an ex is to play a little bit hard to get because this is the best strategy if your ex wants you back. If your ex is not serious, this strategy will help prevent you from getting hurt too.

saving a relationship

How do I get my ex back is a question we have all asked ourselves. Uncover the secret techniques on how to get your lover back.